FITNESS:"Bang Bang Workout!" | Cocoa Lamina

FITNESS:"Bang Bang Workout!"

My current workout vid! I'm trying to do this work out at least 5 times per week and include hooping as a part of my warm up/cool down. When I'm done with this work out I'm literally covered in sweat. Though it doesn't look intense it sure feels that way! I wasn't able to complete the full workout today due to lack of energy..I'd had a headache last night which eventually led to me throwing up the contents of my stomach lol..ugh..I know

So...I've been attempting to get into shape seeing as I had gained over or around 15lbs back after switching to Lo/ovral from ortho-tricyclen. While on Ortho-tricyclen the lbs. just melted off and I actually had to eat more to keep from losing more weight. I'd lost around 25lbs with very little effort. ANYWAY those days are over. It's hard as hyale just to drop 5lbs. lol Not to mention I hold on to water weight like woah.

While I want to drop the gained lbs. (not only because of all the clothes in my closet that I can no longer fit but to be sessy lol) it's hard to stay motivated!!! I've never been thin in my life..well except when I was in what pre-k
I honestly have no intention to be thin..I prefer the curvy look on myself..and other women actually.. Now..when I say curvy I don't mean cottage cheese, muffin top, blouse poppin', thinking you're "thick" when you're really fat curvy. (lol) I mean a body type similar to these ladies below...

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